Friday, July 6, 2007

Shabbat Take Two

So, remember when the guard wouldn't let me into the Jewish community? I should have taken the hint and walked away. Far away.

This shabbat dinner experience wasn't quite like it was last week with that wonderful family.

There is a whole political story that I won't go into, but it ended up with an Ashkenazi minyan once per month in the main synagogue (well at the complex, but not IN the synagogue - god forbid). Tonight was the first one. We met some wonderful people as we went in. I met the president of the reform community, a really nice woman who's French but lived in Israel, and a girl who went to high school with Matt's cousin, Rachel. The davening was great - a bit of a choir, but very nice.

Then there was dinner. Matt had a hard time finding food, I burst into tears, and overall, it wasn't our favorite experience so far. We ended up meeting a couple of really nice people, but overall - yuck.

Then we got on the bus going the wrong way. It was a double decker bus, and we were on top. The bus stopped in this weird lot, and some guy was yelling, but we had no idea what he was saying. The the lights went out, and we realized we were the only ones on the bus, and we had taken it the wrong way. We got back on the same bus, ten minutes later, and finally got home.

Oh, and happy half-birthday to me!!


Jillian said...

Hopefully a little Settlers will help ease the pain of a bad Shabbat....

Harry said...
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Harry said...

I'm confused about what went wrong. Was it political infighting in the community or was the dinner situation just bad. Us Jews are damn difficult sometimes. Makes you wonder why we think God would chose us as a "light unto the nations". i'd go with the Quakers or Jains, but that's why I'm not in charge. I'll try to give you a call sometime soon to hear more.

Matt and Melanie Hildebrandt said...

Jill - Settlers DID ease the pain!!!

Harry - I'll tell you on the phone. Blogs are public, and I'm paranoid.