The people were so well organized. It was nuts. We ended up walking behind the flag and planting ourselves on a field with a bunch of thousands of people. There was a huge screen in front of the flag people that we could see when people weren't walking by. It sort of reminded me of Opera in the Park. The NDP was ridiculous - I mean amazing. There was supposed to be an air show, and there were three jets and then five jets. Then there were some helicopters who brought the (smaller) Singa
Matt and I thought it was interesting that their "pride" was very militarily based. Between the boats, the snipers, the fighter was a lot of military. In addition, there was a lot of focus on the skyline and the economic stability that they're so proud of. In America parades are more about community - the marching bands, the kids, the scouts, the men's whatever club. Here there was none of that. It was also interesting since it's such a young nation - the feeling of a national birthday is so much more meaningful, because many of the people who live here remember when there was no Singapore.
Click here to see all of our pictures from National Day.
After the national day celebrations we met Matt's friend Carthik for dinner. It was really fun. We like him a lot. The food was good as well (though I realized that I am either allergic to a) Holland Village, b) Italian food, or c) dairy products. I was a disaster all night and all day today!
In other news, I successfully sent out a newsletter to our listserv at work. That was actually a big accomplishment, since the coding was all messed up. I'm inadvertently learning HTML. I think that might help me one day...
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