Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I made fish the other day for the first time. I got my recipes and headed off to the market to buy my ingredients. I was so excited to finally buy fish from these guys (from an earlier posting about the market).

I asked if they have salmon. Yes! We do. Then they pointed to a fish. Like a whole fish. Its tail was gone, but the rest of it was there. I guess that was a salmon. How much you want?

I want enough for four people.

Ok, you want me to cut here? Or here? I'm hearing - you want me to cut up this poor, innocent fish near his belly button? or closer to his upper rib cage?

You want me to take off skin? Take out bones? Hells yeah! I don't want that stuff in my house. I know that in the US (and at the normal supermarkets here) you just buy a fillet of fish, and you don't really have to think about the body that it used to be part of. Not this experience. I saw the whole guy, his face, looked into his eyes.

He was delicious. I just need more fish recipes.

And I need more local fish recipes - my four pieces of salmon were S$18 (about US$12). The lady next to me bought three entire fish for S$2.50. I need fish with smaller carbon footprint, but I need recipes. If you have any good ones, please send them to me!!

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