Sunday, February 1, 2009


Tonight on the way home from our favorite Indian restaurant, after watching someone beat someone else in the Aussie Open (I don't want to say whom in case someone in the US is reading this, and it will be replayed this afternoon...), Matt said, you should really get a ticket to go from Michigan to Philly. Yes, I will. I kind of always say that, but I don't do anything about it.

Then, he asked me to get the mail. I got the mail, and I saw a wedding invitation. Oh great. Another wedding that I won't be able to go to.

Look, Matt, it's Ellen's wedding invitation! So beautiful! So exciting!

I started to put it up on the fridge, with the other invitations to things we know we can't go to.

Matt said, so are you going to go?

What? How? She lives in the US, and I live in Singapore. Well, he said, it's the day you're flying to Philly, and it's IN PHILLY!!!! HOLY SCHNIKES!!! I get to go to Ellen's wedding!!!

Luckily I didn't buy the ticket yet. I am so excited to dance with this lady at her wedding!! YAY!

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