Monday, January 26, 2009

Sleeping on the Plane

I have a problem where I always sleep with my mouth open on the plane or the bus. I can't control it. It's gravity.

It must be hilarious/disturbing for the people next to me. Out of respect, I tried to rather lean my head on my arm. But...oops, then I woke up, because I had drool running down my arm. I must be tired.

I must say that I liked Langkawi more today. If you want a place where you can ONLY sit on a GORGEOUS beach - it's it. It is absolutely beautiful (if you ignore the trash on the beach - which isn't SO bad for Asia...). While Matt and Tenley went to see the mangroves, I read on the beach for a few hours, and I was happy. Then Tenley and I talked on the beach while Matt read in the shade. I liked that too. Yay for vacations. Boo for school tomorrow - ON CHINESE NEW YEAR!!

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