Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It's a BOY!!!

On Saturday night in Toronto and Sunday morning in Singapore, Shana pushed a huge item out of her body - she had a baby boy!!! So far I haven't seen pictures, so I can't tell you how cute he is, but she said that all of his digits are in tact and that he's beautiful - big lips and curly black hair (pretty much exactly like Daniel).

This is another one of those times where I'm dying to be closer to family and friends.

I can't believe that I'm not going to be at the bris of my best friend's baby. We have talked (not so seriously...) about having kids since we were young, and now it's happening, and I'm so far away - I can't really be a part of it. Pretty sad.

I do feel lucky that I will be able to meet him when we're in the States in a few weeks.

I have now lived in Singapore for an entire human gestational period plus one month - and now it has been proven.

WAY TO GO SHANA!!! I'm so proud of you, and I can't wait to meet your son. (And I'm pretty confident that you will not have time to read my blog anymore!!) :)

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