Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Bestest Chicken Rice

Last night Ben and Jen had a goodbye party. I had an hour before I went, and I was hungry, and it was close, so I went to my favorite claypot chicken rice place. Okay - I have only had a few claypot chicken rices, but this one is really good. It's right near our dive shop, so a few times before we went diving, I would go pick up some dinner. The last time I went is when Tenley and I went diving - a LONG time ago. That time, they had run out of chicken rice at about 8pm. I was really disappointed.

This time, I ordered my dinner, and I sat to wait (it takes about 20 or 25 minutes). When she brought it, she said, "I put in extra vegetables, because I remember you came to us one time, and we had run out." WOW! Impressive memory! There are lots of white people floating around these parts!

Then...since I did an entire project on the pricing of beer in Singapore, and I like to maximize the value I get for my dollar (read: cheap), I decided to start off my beered night with a big bottle of Tiger. I knew that at the bar it would be about $10-$13 for a small bottle of Tiger, and at the hawker stall you can get a BIG bottle for $5.60. I did. I went to pay, and I gave the guy $10.70 thinking he could give me a five dollar bill and a ten cent coin. He gave me back the cents. I tried to show him that I didn't want a bunch of coins along with two more bills, and this was easier, but he didn't understand. I think then he thought the 70 cents was a tip, so he called his friend over to take it. Finally I just put it back in my wallet. And then he gave me $5.10, so I had to get it out again. It was not an easy transaction.

Another interesting thing as of late is that someone, I assume it's a cat of some sort, has brought us a piece of coal from the bbqs by the pool. They left it right outside our patio door. Remember when someone left us a lambchop? I think it's a similar thing.

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