Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Apple Moments

I have had two Apple Moments recently. These are moments when I appreciate the company, Apple. I usually have very strong moments like these about Google, NPR, certain activities (tennis, Settlers), and definitely with people and relationships.

Apple Moment 1:
Flyer, Eli and I were walking in NYC after a lovely dinner. I had to go up and get my bags to head to the airport, but I remembered a great gelato place in the west village. We started walking. I remember that it was near the cheese shop and the bread shop (and maybe a fish shop?) on Bleecker. We walked. It didn't look right. Flyer remembered that another time I was in NYC, maybe a year ago, we walked, in the same area, looking for the same gelato place that I "knew" about. We didn't find it then. Ah memories...but WAIT! Flyer has the new iPhone. Flyer looked up the cheese shop, which we knew the name to (I had thought the Gelato place was Scoopz, but it's Cones, or something similar), and we realized it was between 6th and 7th, and not west of 7th. We found it! Apple saved the day!!

Apple Moment 2:
In all of my previous jobs there was a key five minute period in the morning that was wasted due to the time it takes to turn on a computer. Usually, because I'm incredibly anal (and therefore efficient?) I worked it into a routine such that I would turn it on immediately when I got into the office, and then I could get settled - put my lunch away, get some water, etc. Currently I am working using my MacBook. It takes 11 seconds to start up. That time is no longer wasted! Apple saved the day!! (But I forgot to put away my lunch, and water had to wait for a real break...)

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