Sunday, December 14, 2008

Why Finance is way Harder than Gemara

In Gemara, you have Jastrow and Frank to reference when you're lost. In finance, you're supposed to have the FT or something else, but I still don't understand those!

In Gemara you can have multiple answers. You're almost always right. In finance, there's one answer, and I never seem to find it.

Gemara is best studied in a loud room - with a partner. Finance is best in a super quiet room with absolutely no distractions - otherwise you don't even understand the question.

Three exams done three to go. Tomorrow I have marketing and finance. I haven't studied for marketing for more than an hour, but for some reason I'm not nervous about it. Just finance - where the exam is 100% of my grade. I heard last year the average was 17%. What a knock on my confidence.

1 comment:

vantan said...

17%?! Maybe there's hope.

But it makes me wonder: How can we graduate with an 'average' grade for Finance, knowing we only had 17% of the answers correct?