Friday, November 28, 2008


There isn't really much I can add to what is being written about Mumbai. It's just totally crazy to me that something like this is happening...and that it's still happening after more than a day.

I have never been to Mumbai, but in the last few years I have developed quite a few relationships with the city, and all I can say is that I'm hoping and praying (in a Melanie sort of way) that things end soon and the damage is minimized. It seems like avoiding major damage is already far beyond an option.

My boss at Moody's stays at the Taj Mahal hotel, and I organized an event there a few months ago.
My co-worker from Moody's, Nidhi is from there.
My roommate, Zimra from Pardes is also from Mumbai. Her family is extremely involved in the Jewish community.
My former co-worker/friend Erin was working with the JDC for the last year in Mumbai. I'm sure she is well aware of the Chabad building and all of the people who live inside it.
I recently read Shantaram which made me fall in love even more with the city.

Basically - I'm thinking about these people in my life who are directly affected. It is constantly on my mind (instead of Finance, Strategy and Accounting, unfortunately).

All of this in the context of American Thanksgiving (which we did nothing to celebrate).
And the INSEAD Cabaret, which was last night and had a really fun atmosphere.
And preparing for finals.

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