Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

It was my mom's 60th birthday yesterday. That's a big one. We sort of celebrated her birthday when we were in the States a few weeks ago, but it was watered down (coupled with my 30th birthday, Matt's 31st birthday, my parents' 38th anniversary...). I do feel bad, though, that we couldn't go home for brunch/dinner. Sorry.

Not too much going on this week. Matt is very busy at work, because lots is going on in Vietnam right now (25.2% inflation!).

Our friend, Mandy (the apartment hunter) left yesterday.

The cat has meowed a lot at night - and on alternative nights she has been super sweet and cozy.

We got to see our friends Lauren and Mo tonight. We haven't seen them in forever, and we really like them. That was nice.

Our friends here had a baby. Mazal tov!

It was Jo's birthday yesterday. 30. Biggie.

We saw the new Indiana Jones. Matt's work rented out the theater. Eh. It was entertaining, but it wasn't very good. Embarassingly it was my first Indiana Jones. I should see the others. I heard they're better. Oh - one exciting thing - Tenley and I met up to go to that movie, and we had about five minutes to buy and scarf down dinner before it started. We got FAST FOOD! I ate a bean burrito from Taco Bell. This was my first since high school, and other than the time in Phuket when we had BK, this was my first fast food in so freaking long. The burrito was bad, but the french fries (who knew they go together? SINGAPOREANS!) were good.

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