Saturday, April 13, 2013

Chinese or Not?

Samara's school is in Chinese 2 of the 5 days per week. Her teachers say that she totally understands Chinese and speaks really well - even with a great accent. She sings songs all day long (like ALLL day long) and some sound like babbles. Perhaps those are Chinese? (one example below)

Today in a taxi on the way home, she was singing some song about a beehive and all of the bees. Then something about a baby bumblebee. Then she sang something else that sounded like babbles. So I asked the taxi driver, "uncle, you know what she is singing?" He said, "yes. Mommy, Daddy, I love you." Obviously.

In other news, we had a wonderful day, now that I'm allowed to leave the house a little bit. We went to a friend, Yael's, birthday lunch, though it was actually at a time when Sam has to sleep, so we went a bit early, and got to spend some time with Yael before we left. While there Sam swam with Matt in the pool, went in the ocean, walked through the sand...and ate the most I have ever seen her eat, ever. She was so happy and so fun. I mostly had to rest after that, but it was exciting enough.

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