Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Efficiency Expert

I heard a story on my NPR Most E-Mailed Stories about an efficiency expert. That's his job. He makes sure that people don't waste time, things are in the right place, processes are not wasteful, etc. It is sort of like a cross between a management consultant and an operations specialist with a serious six sigma focus. I had never heard of this, but I'm in. I think this might be the perfect job for me (after Diversity and Inclusion, obviously - I'm loving that right now).

I hate when things don't move quickly (including people walking). I hate extra processes and bureaucracy. I love just getting things done - quickly and cheaply with as few resources as possible. I think I would hate telling people they no longer have a job, because they're just not that relevant, but other than that, I think I found my future career.

I remember when I was in college Jeremy told me that I should be a consultant because I'm really good at criticising people. It's true. I'm awesome at telling people how things can be done better. (Believe me, I always know the best way). Bring it on.

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