Friday, October 5, 2007

Jewish Thoughts (and a Lizard)

Random thoughts...

I went to shul tonight, and I realized that the holidays this year totally passed me by. They're over now, and I went to shul three times for Rosh Hashana, for Yom Kippur a lot, and that's it (though three shabbats since RH). I barely know it was sukkot, and I didn't eat in a sukkah let alone even have a fake sukkot meal (like we did in NY both years). It's the first time in my life since I have started caring about these holidays that I really didn't do them. It kind of makes me sad.

I realized that having a Friday night/Saturday afternoon shabbat life really added to my social life. Even when I was totally exhausted, I still knew that I would be social and hang out with nice people on Friday night and/or Saturday afternoon. Now, I'm totally exhausted on week nights, and SO tired on Friday nights, and that basically leaves Saturday night (and we know what happened with that last weekend...) and Sunday. I really miss Shabbat social opportunities.

I went to the Ashkenazi service tonight. It was really great, and the people were superb. That's good news.

I was sitting at my desk at work yesterday, and I felt something in my skirt. I then felt it move (it was rubbery and long and thin). Then I furiously shook out my skirt and my body, and a six inch lizard went skittering away. It was the grossest thing ever. I kept shivering all day thinking about it.

Splinter had a sleep over in our apartment last night. When I woke up she had a bit of a pani-meow, and Matt said, "Oh, that's where she was."

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