Saturday, October 20, 2007

Don't Say Anything at All

My mom always said - "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

I would suppose that's why I haven't blogged in the last almost-week. It's been a rough week. Work is pretty rough (though I really try to not write about that at all, since you never know who reads what), and I've been really down about the cat. Her presence in our lives made me really happy. I loved coming home, and as I was walking to our apartment, she would trot up next to me and then run ahead up the stairs and wait for me to open the door to our apartment. Every morning, I would open the door to get the paper, and she would run inside. She was such a cuddly, sweet, loveable cat. :(

Basically, we haven't seen her for a week and a half (Thursday morning LAST week). At first we were sure she had been taken, because there were signs up that they were collecting stray cats. Matt called the management office, SPCA, and a couple of companies that do that sort of thing, and we pretty much confirmed that they had not come to our complex, and that she hadn't been taken away. Matt even went to SPCA to check. He has emailed pictures to different places too.

We heard that she might be in heat, off having sex somewhere, or she might be exploring the world. We hope that she decides to come back and wasn't taken away...

We met Ruthie's friend, Rachel, and her two sisters and one sister's friend (make sense?). They were all great, and we had a fun time with them last night.

We played tennis today - Matt WON again!! Bad news...

Mom and dad are coming on Tuesday night, so that will be fun.
Our house is clean, so that makes me happy too.

1 comment:

Davida Robinson said...

Do we have the same mom??

I grew up with that mantra

ok, we must be related