Monday, October 1, 2007


I'm not talking about living with Matt. That's old news at this point.

I'm talking about the roacher who was sitting on my couch when I came home this evening. It's the same roacher who ran away from my broom and dustpan, and rather than running OUTSIDE, ran further inside the apartment and is now lurking in the bookshelves! How long should you spend looking for a lost cockroach in your bookshelves? I swear I used that broom handle to move each and every book to the side, but I have no idea where it went. It has been making my stomach uneasy (and I'm still recovering from the weekend...), so I decided to change my frame of reference. I decided that rather than looking for this guy to kill, I will simply accept that we are cohabitating (for 20 minutes until I finish my dinner and start hunting again).

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