Tuesday, August 2, 2016

This too Shall Pass

This past weekend, Samara took a totally pleasant shower, no goggles, no screaming - it was even her choice. She washed her body, by herself. It was a fully positive experience. For the last three years, I couldn't imagine this would ever happen. She hated showers - like CRAZY hated them and threw tantrums about them (she's not the most tantrum-y of kids). That passed!

Samara also woke up with a dry pull-up. Twice. She had NEVER ONCE woken up dry since she was a baby. That passed too!

Koby finally sleeps until the 4s most nights - he sleeps straight until then from 7:30pm, and he drinks a bottle and goes straight back to sleep until 7. Not totally ideal, but we are sleeping until 4. Just a few months ago that was a dream. That too passed!

When I feel exhausted and like my days are such a struggle - I realize that last summer I had a 1.5 year old and a newborn. That SUCKED, and even that passed!

So, lesson to myself and all worrying mamas - whatever stage your kid is in that is so super annoying. You never think it will be over. Your life will suck. Forever. Then...just like that...it passed!!!

1 comment:

Momoftwo said...

My mom always says, "This too shall pass" and it is the one piece of advice she gives me that always gives me comfort ❤️