Monday, August 11, 2014

Last week of Normal

This is the last week of Normal before we approach the Great Unknown.

This is Matt's last week of work until mid-November at the earliest.
This is Sam's last week of school, at the school she has attended since she was 18 months.
This is my last week of routine:
Wake up, breakfast for both kids, take Sam to school, back home for Elie's nap, run an errand or two, pick up Sam, both kids nap, crazy clean and cook, play dates / downstairs in the condo in the afternoon, dinner, bath and bed for the kids.
This is our last week of Matt coming home around 6:45, just as Sam is ready to finish a bath, or a story, and him getting her into bed.

Though I worked officially until November 2013 and unofficially until Jan 2013, and we had Rose and Alma helping at home, this current routine is the routine that will stick with me when we leave. It has been all about the kids, and overall, I have loved it. It has been precious time with the kids, getting to know them both, shopping and cooking for my family and lots of playing and fun. I most likely won't be working for the next few months, so I will likely continue to spend loads of time with the kids, but who knows after that...

In our life here I know where to go to get the sweetest pineapple, a few sprigs of dill, light bulbs, sunglasses...everything! I know whom to call when I need something fixed. I have a support network whom I can (and have!) rely on for help when I need it. Wherever we are next I will develop all of this, but it took years to develop here, and it will take years to develop wherever we end up. This is why after November feels like the Great Unknown. All will be different, new, and I don't know what it will look like for me, my kids, Matt...

As I mentioned in my previous post, we are not moving back because life will be easier. Life in America sounds way harder than life here, especially if we're not in a place with our parents (where we are unlikely to end up), so this week is our last week of our super easy, convenient life...really the only life I/we know as a family.

In the meantime, I will enjoy it! Music class with Elie, playdates, fix-it people coming, loose ends tying, people picking up the last of the items we're selling, even a friend we love coming from out of town.

And this past weekend was our last real weekend in Singapore (we will be here next weekend, but we'll then be moving the next day, so I don't think we'll be relaxing...). Friday night Indian food and Settlers of Catan with some of our closest friends, Susie and Matt, Saturday lots of errands, last yoga class with Prakash, my favorite teacher (probably) and National Day fireworks with other good friends Alon and his daughter Libbey (sad that Tali was sick!), Sunday super fun last hoorah at Tanjong Beach Club with Christian and Lee Fong and their kids and last pizza dinner at "Our Restaurant" (as Sam calls it - the one "we always go to with Eric") with Jen and Ben and their beautiful baby. Last this. Last that...It's gettin' kinda sad!

Elie and Matt at the beach - Adam and Christian's leg in the background :)

Headbutting is way too much fun

Elie at Music Together. STARING at the teacher

Shake it shake it!


Lenore wineberg said...

There is an old was it where you last lived???
So it will be where you move.
all we have to bring is who we are.
did you find dear friends before? So you will find in the future.
My mother , Rose did not live near her family and built a network of friends that became our extended family.
Scary... So is change along with excitement.
We all love and need having things that are familiar, that we can count on.
you are choosing the change and this is good.
For your children and you and Matt Singapore and your friends will always be part of who you are .
just adds interest Babe.
My love... You have the strength!!!


Matt and Melanie Hildebrandt said...

Thanks, Lenore! :)