Sunday, December 27, 2009

Before and After

...the MBA.

I have many moments where I hear something or see something, and I say, "before the MBA this is what I would have thought. Now, this is what I think."

Today I had one of those moments. I was listening to This American Life - the Party School show, which is from last weekend. Towards the beginning of the show, I heard the stat that 75% of Penn State students drink on Friday and Saturday nights. They have a lot of students. That's a lot of alcohol.

Before the MBA, I would have had two thoughts. Wow - that's really a lot. I wonder if it's dangerous amounts, and I hope it all turns out alright. Also, I would have remembered my experiences at my state school, and I would have said, okay - they're college students. They party. No problem.

After the MBA, (and actually my first thought) I thought - what a market opportunity! Maybe we should open a liquor store in Happy Valley!!

Quite sad.

In other news, Matt and I saw Avatar, and I liked it, and Matt loved it. We recommend it, especially in 3D. I also recommend that if you're tired and a little bored (it IS two hours and forty minutes!), you just take a little break. I think mine was 20 minutes, and I don't think I missed anything important.

We also saw a monitor lizard on our hike yesterday. It was about a meter and a half or two meters. It was swimming. It looked like an alligator. I loved seeing it.

Finally, I had run by an interesting looking restaurant a few times. When I tried to go there in the past, I called, and they said they were all booked up. No one I have talked to knows anything about it. We went last night, and it was super cute. There were only two other white people - it was completely filled with Singaporeans. The food wasn't outstanding, but it had personality, and it was nice and outside, and the drinks were cheap. It's called District 10, and it's near Newton Circus. Anyone heard of it?

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