Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mock Ups

I finally figured out how to describe what Singapore looks like.

You know when people are trying to sell apartments, before they start building a building, and they come up with a picture of what it will look like? The grass is really green, the people are all smiling, it's always you know what I'm talking about. Here are two examples one two. They're not the best examples, but they'll help explain what I'm talking about. I'm sure you have seen them before.

In the States, when they build the building, it doesn't quite look like that. In Singapore it does! I was looking out the window of my office yesterday (we're on the 23rd floor of a sky scraper in the central business district), and I realized that it looked fake - people walking where they should be, no garbage on the streets, GREEN grass that no one walks on, so it looks perfect, sun almost always.

I had used the words "fake" and "contrived," but both of those are too negative - it's just perfect looking - like the mock ups.

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