Thursday, July 10, 2008

Break Glass in Case of Emergency

I had an unbelievable experience today.

I work in a building with 38 floors. This is the tallest building I have worked in.

For some reason, the building decided that we would be the ones who break the glass and set off the fire alarm for a fire drill. They gave us notice for weeks that the drill was happening. Most people left for the afternoon so they didn't have to walk down the 23 flights of stairs. Not me.

At 3:10, the fire warden, the fire dudes, and more fire dudes knocked on our door, and they told me it was time. They had put some dry ice in the hallway, and they said, "there's the fire." I said, "Oh - I better break the glass." They gave me a pliers and I broke the glass and the fire alarm went off for the whole building!! They even took pictures, but I don't think I can get my hands on those.

Other than that, we had dinner with Rachel, Matt's ex, and a great girl that I saw off and on growing up. We went to our favorite Indian restaurant in our 'hood, and we had a great time. She was flying through town on her way from Aceh, Indonesia (doing conflict resolution work) back to the States. I guess it's been 6.5 years since that fateful wedding...

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