Here are a few pictures, and in addition:
She pushed a coin around our house for about an hour, and then it ended up under the couch, where she couldn't reach it.
You know when you have a spiral notebook, and you tear off a page, and it leaves this little string of paper attached to the notebook? She played with one of those for a while, and then she liberated it from the notebook and pushed it around the house for a long time.
There were three tampons on the dining room table (Matt's not home to tell me to tell me to clean it up). She pushed one to the edge of the table, and then pushed it off. She then pushed the second to the edge of the table and then pushed it off, and finally she did it with the third.
She has also been
Pictures include:
Her being a nutty clean cat. When she poos, she won't stand in the litter box to cover her poo. She has to stand on the very thin EDGE of the litter box and reach down to cover it up. It's pretty funny, since she's small, and the box is big!
She played with the gross grapes that were left over in the bottom of the bowl. That was at least 20 minutes of rolling grapes entertainment.
She has this new thing that I haven't seen her do since we first took her home (when we had her spayed). She has been literally climbing the wall. She climbs up the grate on our sliding door - TO THE CEILING!!!
To add to the weirdness, I just went into the kitchen, and she was walking slowly, meowing and dragging her ass...with a piece of shit attached to her ass by a hair. She dragged the piece of poo from her "bathroom" through the kitchen. EEEEWWWW!
I'm sorry, did you just write that your cat showers with you?
NO!! She tries to come in the shower, but she hates water. When I'm using the toilet (ahem), she gives herself a kitty shower (i.e. licks herself everywhere). When I'm done in the shower, though, she comes in and explores.
Kitty was always cool and calm in front of me. Those cute behavior told you how much she loves you. As to "shit attached to her ass", that always happened to my two cats as well. Sometimes I even have to pull the shit out her ass by my hand. Oh!
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