Saturday, June 19, 2010

Funny Numbers

My body hasn't changed so much since I was about 15 years old. I'm always about the same size and weight. I think I weighed more in high school, but that was mostly because I was more muscular. My clothes from when I was 15 still fit (well not now, but in general). I know how much I'm supposed to weigh.

Weight while pregnant is a horrible thing. When you have spent your entire life "making sure you don't get fat" or making sure you don't gain too much weight, it's quite painful to know that you're getting bigger, and you're supposed to. I usually don't weigh myself too often. I have never owned a scale. I always just assume I'm the same. Now - each time I go to the doctor, which is once a month, the first thing I do (actually second - the first is to pee on some stick) is get weighed. The good news is that I'm getting weighed in kilograms, so I kind of think it doesn't really count. I know how many kilos I have gained (seven), but I try not to do the conversion too often, so I think of it all as just play numbers - kind of like money in Monopoly, or Indonesia, or buying gas in Canada (that always got me, because you have to somehow convert money, liters, plus kilometers to make any sense of it at all). I just choose to think it's all fake, and then it doesn't worry me too much.

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