Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dangerous Mangoes

Matt and I met a friend in Little India for dinner. It's mango season in India (which you would know if you're friends with my brother on facebook...), which means that there are also lots of beautiful and sweet mangoes in Little India. I stopped by Buffalo Rd on my way to the restaurant to stock up on a variety of Indian mangoes. They felt perfectly firm and smelled like heaven.

After a great dinner at a great North Indian restaurant, I thought about how those mangoes in my bag wanted to be eaten, and I wanted to help. The restaurant is quite low key - you go up and order and take most of the stuff back to the tables yourself. You get your own cutlery, cups, and there are pitchers of water on the table. The restaurant, however, only has forks and spoons. Those would not allow me to cut my mango. I went up to ask the man behind the counter for a knife.

"Can I please have a knife?"
"Why? Can I please have a knife - one like the table cutlery - doesn't have to be anything special."
"Maam - if I give you a knife, you might go kill someone! I can't give you a knife!"
"I just want to cut a mango - I don't know if it's okay to bring in outside food, but I just want a knife to cut a mango."
"Maam - I cannot give you a knife. That is dangerous. I will cut your mango for you. Please bring it to me."

And he did and then he brought it to us in a beautiful dish at our table. Oy. I'm a pregnant lady in my yoga clothes...really dangerous looking...

In other news, Orchard Rd flooded yesterday. The headline in the paper wasn't that Orchard Rd flooded. It was that the utility board is probing into why it happened. In Singapore it all has to be someone's fault. Default is that everything works perfectly. When something goes wrong, then that means that someone isn't doing their job. Interesting.

In yet other news, Matt and I have been sick all week. Today we finally felt a bit better, but we're still totally wiped out, stuffy, coughy and just a mess. Jer's biking through Bali, possibly also super sick, but I haven't heard a word from him all week...Our goal is to feel better tomorrow.

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