Sunday, May 4, 2008

Heading Back

Tomorrow we'll be on our way back to the 'Pore.

Though the death of Matt's grandfather was terrible, we were happy to be home and with his family during this time.

I have to say - other than that, the trip was amazing. We saw so many people we love and ate a lot of good food. I drink a lot of Bell's Amber (probably too much).

Since we last spoke we went to Ann Arbor and saw Daniel and Annie - which was wonderful. We have spent time with our families, Jill and Ben, Settlers and more food.

Tonight we went out with my parents to celebrate:
Their 38th wedding anniversary this Tuesday (the 6th)
My mom's SIXTIETH birthday (the 28th of May)
My thirtieth birthday (January 6th, but we hadn't seen each other!)
Matt's 31st birthday (last Saturday - the 26th)
My dad (just generally)

We also attended our first Derby party at Jill's parents' house. It was so fun - except that Matt's horse came in second and then died. That is terrible. I need to learn more about these horses' lives before I make a judgment that they shouldn't be doing this to horses, but it's really pretty terrible.

Tomorrow we'll be heading to Tokyo and then straight to Singapore. We arrive in the middle of the night on Monday/Tuesday, and then go to work on Tuesday. Oy.

I must say that I'm not dreading going back, but the only thing I'm actively looking forward to is the Kitty.

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