Monday, November 7, 2022

Back on the Court & a Birthday Party (unrelated)

Five months ago today I tore my calf. The doc in urgent care and the orthopedic doc and the physical therapist and EVERYONE ELSE who knew what they were talking about said it would be a long road to recovery. It wasn't something that was going to heal in a few weeks. Well, it took exactly five months. Three months on crutches. Six weeks in a boot (including the three on crutches). Started walking more than just around the house the week before we moved here. PT twice a week until we moved here and once a week since we moved here. A LOT of exercises. Like a LOT. My leg got really weak. My whole body got really weak. I'm now also going to a trainer (a previous post) to get some strength back (it's coming...). It's been a LONG DAMN RIDE. But tonight. Five months after my injury. I played pickelball!!! AND IT WAS SO MUCH FUN. And I did not injure myself. I did dive for one ball, but then I tried to reason with myself to not do that again - it wasn't really a decision. It was more instinct, but it didn't happen again. Going back next week. So fun. And some nice ASL parents. Pickelball isn't a thing yet here...just the American School, and even there it just started a couple of weeks ago.

In other news, Sam had a birthday party on Saturday, and it was so fun! We took Sam and seven (!!!) friends to see & Juliet. I had low expectations, because I'm not usually into musicals that re-use music. But my cheeks got sore from smiling and laughing it was so so so fun and funny. Sam's friends all seemed to love it - and so did Sam, and most importantly, I didn't lose anyone on the Tube on the way there or back. Phew. (I did lose one kid's tube card, but then we found it on the street in the rain on the way back. Double phew). My cousin Tessa was in town for work and generously agreed to go with me and herd the cats. Sam was happy. They wanted Shake Shack for dinner. Request granted, and Shake Shack didn't even mess up the order. They also wanted root beer floats for dessert. Granted again - and it was EVERYONE BUT ONE person's first time having a root beer float! Who knew!!??

Well, I should have, because I woke in the middle of the night on Tuesday remembering that I didn't get root beer yet. Wednesday and Thursday were super busy (I went to the annual Summit of the organization I used to work for - in fact I used to organize their annual summit - it was really really good to be there. Lots to think about - and that's why Tessa was in town), and on Friday I planned to do a big shop at Sainsbury's and then uber home - root beer in tow. Well, they didn't have it. And neither did Waitrose. And I called Panzer's - the store that has lots of random American shit, and they also didn't have it. I called Matt - "shit. This was Sam's one request. Mom fail. We have to figure this out" but I was running out of time on Friday and the party was Saturday. Luckily, Panzer's called me back (!!) and said that they found some in the back, and would A&W be ok? Hells to the yeah!! Saved the day!! Everyone liked it except for one kid. (And that one kid ended up wearing root beer, because Koby kicked a ball from the living room to the dining room, and it landed in her rejected root beer and splashed it allllll over her. Poor girl. But she survived.)

Sam's party was on Bonfire Night, which is to celebrate that some guy didn't blow up Parliament a long time ago. Lots of fireworks and bonfires, but truly it was a RAINY and cold day. There were still celebrations, but we didn't partake.

In yet other news, we had our first babysitter since Covid. He was so nice. He survived and so did the kids. Matt and I went to a 3rd grade parents' social. We have another this week. Whole new life.

Also, the weather has shifted, and it kinda sucks. It's been raining - like really pouring a lot of the time - nearly everyday since Halloween. There has been a TINY bit of sun, but it's actually worse than I expected. It's REALLY rainy - not drizzly. And cold. We turned on the heat on Friday for a few hours and today for a few hours. It was chilling. And it's DARK in the 4s. It's not looking good for my mental health. I am looking for small things that bring joy - will get flowers this week, and I painted my toe nails blue sparkles. Working on it.

piles of girls on the tube

Root beer floats!

This house spider was in Sam's "wardrobe" (british for closet) this am. Then I saw one in the bathroom. It is LARGE. Sam was not happy. Apparently they come in the fall and then they will leave us alone. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Get a sun lamp. I got one in Boston because it was dark and the building I worked in was dark...maybe it helped? Don't know. Maybe it made me happier than I would have been otherwise. Thinking of you and love reading about your adventure. XO.