We had the same thing with detergent that we were using to wash Sam's clothes. We had bought Dreft at some ex-patty grocery story, and then it was nowhere to be found in all similar shops in Singapore.
A friend told me that when Sam starts eating Cheerios, we should always have a stock at our house. Apparently kids get pretty attached, and there are times where Singapore runs out of Cheerios. The whole country.
Really - it feels like a big city with some suburbs, but when it comes down to it, the country that we call home can be driven across in a half hour. We're on an island country, and when there is no cream cheese, there is no cream cheese.
This reminds me of the time when all of Singapore's Passover supply of Matzah (I think 2006 or 2007 - right before we came) was on a boat that arrived late, just hours before the first seder. It was a near miss of a total disaster and lots of people not able to observe lots of mitzvot.
In other news, Sam has been testing out her new high chair. She explored gravity (check out my video on fb), and she ate avocado and sweet potato (which she still wasn't interested in). A highlight was when she sat down with her food, and rather than bringing the food to
We had a great day today that consisted of tekka market an
1 comment:
I am still getting used to the new look of the blog! I get confused every time I open it and then remember you changed it up a bit.
I really want to read the article in the Detroit JN, but sorry Detroit, I don't want to subscribe...do you have a PDF of it?
That Samara K is cuter than ever.
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