Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Walking Stupidly

Singaporeans are the worst walkers. Whenever I'm trying to get somewhere there are always at least two strays per five meters. People sort of wander, stop, go to the left, go to the right...it drives me CRAZY! They're also really slow. In New York I used to walk to work everyday. I never even thought about getting where I wanted to go. People stay on the correct sides of the sidewalk, and they walk STRAIGHT and at a regular pace. Here it's a struggle everyday.

I have pondered and pondered, and I had NO idea where it came from. I still don't really know, but I have found one thing that definitely doesn't help. When you're going into or out of the MRT (our subway), you have to go through booths, like in DC, NYC or anywhere else. In New York, you go in through the turnstiles and you go out to the side or maybe through some turnstiles, but specific ones. Here, you go in and out through turnstiles. Let's say there are 15 turnstiles in the station...there will be three going out, then two going in, then four going out, etc. So people are walking all over the place, cutting each other off, making right hand turns from the left lane.

Which came first? The bad walking or the mixed up turnstiles? I have no idea, but I can tell you that it does not help organize people on the way to work.

In other news, the kitty is doing amazingly. She is still at home, which we feel bad about, but she is nearly ready to go out into the world (with her new scar). Hopefully the other cats will see that she is tough and not beat her up, as they used to.

Some notable notes:
She has been playing with gravity - for example, picking up my keys (from the table) in her mouth (while standing on the table) and then dropping them on the floor. Or...standing on the table, picking up a pen with her paw (she is super talented) and pushing it onto the floor.

She has friends in the neighborhood...a lady stopped by to see if we knew where "Snowball" is. She said that the girls who are friends with her are very upset, and they all thought that she got captured. I let her know that she would be able to come out to play with her friends in few days. We are worried, though, that someone will take her (like we did, I guess...). Matt did get her microchipped.

She has amazing soccer moves. Both legs - moving forward, towards the goal, maneuvering around her defenders (chairs, toys, people, lamps). It's amazing.

She likes to sleep on us still. She slept on my legs for 5 hours last night, and then when I moved, she moved so that she was laying over another part of my body. Pretty sweet. Hard to not love that.

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